We guarantee effective, fully integrated solutions that serve your business needs, as our history attests!

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Welcome to the Global Website for

Process Engineering System Automations (PES*A)  

Our Mission: To Help Simplify Your Technology Opportunities!

Today's Information Technology Systems are complex!

Great news is you DO NOT have to go it alone! neither do you have to exhaust your IT budget to have superior, scalable systems and tools to compete in today's complex Business Systems environment! 

Let PES experts partner with you to identify, design and integrate your information system needs, empowering you to accelerate an iron-clad Software-defined platform for delivering successful IT Service solutions!

We have well-deserved reputation of excellence in providing strong, smart, sensible and affordable solutions!

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PESA! - Process Engineering System Automations*
CALL US  +1.703.651.6599
We are at the forefront of evolving technology, and fully committed to exceed client expectations!

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System Engineering Automations 
​You Can Trust!

Over 20 year experience in delivering concrete Technology Solutions and Advisory in Software-defined Systems and Operational Sustainment  Capabilities!